Event Recap: 4 Step Marketing Plan for Entrepreneurs, RevRoad

Last month, a8ency Managing Partner Eric Dahl presented at the Masters of Marketing Event at RevRoad in Provo, Utah. The event brought in an audience of founders, leaders and executives from various industries in the process of scaling their businesses. Mr. Dahl directed his comments towards entrepreneurs who are limited in time but committed to growing the footprint of their emerging business.

Dahl began by setting the table of what customers expect in today’s environment. Using ideology as a focus while brainstorming a relevant marketing plan, then presenting an updated and abbreviated version of the 1989 Forbes 15 Step Marketing Plan, while sharing his own discoveries and story along the way. The four steps included:

Eric Dahl presenting at RevRoad
  1. Create Clever Goals:

    Dahl stated that working backwards is the first step. Looking at the company objective, and establishing revenue goals are a critical part of the process right out of the gates. Subsequent steps can then be created as KPI’s are implemented which will allow for every goal to then be achieved.

  2. Laser Target your Target Persona:

    Utilizing a client-persona model as an example, Dahl expressed that defining exactly who the audience is remains a imperative part of the plan. Presenting the message while using language that captures and sustains the attention of the client-persona, which Dahl seeks to always identify by a relevant name, is a must.

  3. Create the Unforgettable Message:

    Laser targeting the audience allows for the right message to be crafted. Borrowing a quote from Seth Godin, Dahl highlighted a industry truth which is “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but the stories that you tell.” Dahl then went on to explain the four criteria he uses to judge all pieces of marketing content (i.e. clean, simple, educational, and compelling).

  4. Activate Relentless Consistency:

    Stating the best marketers are farmers, and not hunters, Dahl outlined a successful marketing approach hinges on having a living-breathing marketing calendar. Using a favorite marketing mantra learned from a former boss, Dahl recited the “create, validate, replicate” approach to “hitting home runs” in the marketing process.

Eric Dahl

Eric Dahl is an award winning marketer, speaker, and Partner at DavisDahl. He provides meaningful direction and leadership to businesses just like yours.


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